خوابیدی بدون لالایی و قصه...

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Sometimes I really feel the need of speaking in Farsi. I have a question. Would you come back to me if you knew what is going on in my heart? After all ignorant actions I did against you? I didn't deserve your love...I'm not sure, did you even love me?

I remember a sentences. "You are beautiful and I can't deny it". Do you think as same as that jerk did? I could infer that from your big smile every single time I met you...

Why didn't you express yourself earlier? Seems like we don't have any chance anymore...

  • انارگل
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Unanswered questions

I didn't expect myself to feel that way. My heart started to beat rapidly and strongly. Thinking with myself:"Is that him?!" I don't know what to do. I'm not sure that starting a conversation with you is good idea or not. I know I won't do anything. I'm afraid, I'm gonna lose you. Or maybe I already have. Or maybe it's not gonna happen and I should forget about it as soon as possible. I'm confused. Do I really like you? 1 year ago I was so much indifferent about you. Did that sentences influence my feelings this much?!

Why are you behaving to me this way? Posting things that can somehow be relative to me. Making me feel that you're still thinking about me...Is that right?! Unanswered questions...

  • انارگل
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I'm not sure if you are a robot or not. Feel like someone is stalking me like when I wrote in my previous blog. Who are you? What do you want from me? Are you a real person? Do I know you? I hate to be stalked by anybody anyway. Hope you won't check this place anymore or revealing your identity. I don't like this cowardly behavior!

I'm here to share my feelings with myself. I didn't give the address to anybody. I don't know who you are if you are a real person. So please introduce yourself or get the hell away from me!

  • انارگل
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Whenever I take two of those pills, I feel deep peace in my heart. Maybe I'm not too risky and I don't wanna get surprised by abrupt events. I'm not sure if it is permissible or not, but I acclaim those who can get through their adverse experiences without enduring that much stress. All I know is that I should grow autonomously in order to become a wise person.

Being disapproved of anything in my life won't help to improve anything. They are just disruptive stuff which prevents me from doing my best. To become successful, being persistent plays the key role. I feel chronic anxiety in myself but postponing challenges to the future wouldn't be helpful at all. I should face my troubles.

P.s: I'm not in a mood of doing my homework. :( I have to do it anyway. Maybe taking a shower can help me become fresh and continue my job. 

  • انارگل
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I think English class is the only thing I'm enjoying in my summer. Participating in that, helps me concentrate on a single subject (It's useful as well) and leave those adverse thoughts for a while. I'm glad I've eventually found something to relish from.

There are many tasks I should put in my TODO list. Asking a number of people about applying process and so on. Auntie is going to leave us in a few days and I'm gonna get depressed a bit. :( 

M. is describing her new crush for me on telegram. :)))))))))) I really love the way she tells her stories about talking to people and having contacts with them. :))) 

It seems there isn't anything especial to share here but I just wanna go on and continue writing. :))

  • انارگل
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I have decided to write about the challenges, which I'm going through for the next 6 months. I mean I want to improve my writing (in English) as well as writing them somewhere to calm down. Last night, I started to cry while talking to a friend. I don't think, talking about those troubles would help, but writing for myself may help to find a solution.

I should circumvent the destructive thoughts by getting myself therapy, everyday specially at nights. I shouldn't consider every step of this process as an intolerable activity. Many people have done it before me successfully. I found the idea of going somewhere alone, interesting. The problem is to find the proper time. After all I'm attempting to do it as soon as possible.

I may post here frequently and I hope not be read by anybody. :)

  • انارگل